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Take Action on Marriott "Green Choice"

Berry Craig
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Thanks to Jeff Wiggins for sending us this.

Please take action on the following items to support national campaigns to protect support hospitality workers in the hotel and airline industries. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

UNITE HERE Campaign – Say No to Marriott “Green Choice”

Marriott’s “Green Choice” and “Your Choice” programs reward guests with vouchers and loyalty points for turning away housekeeping services they have already paid for. 

These greenwashing programs help hotel management and owners line their pockets, and often have a damaging impact on hotel housekeepers. Join hotel housekeepers in calling on Marriott to implement a truly sustainable program that protects our planet without hurting workers.

Here’s how you can help:


Marriott is the largest and wealthiest hotel company in the world with more than 6,500 hotel properties. Many Marriott hotels (including the former Starwood brands Westin, Sheraton, and W Hotels) have programs that encourage guests to decline housekeeping services.

These programs save money for Marriott and hotel owners. Host Hotels & Resorts, the largest owner of Marriott hotels, told investors “we continue to see benefits from Marriott’s implementation of Make a Green Choice…” and “sustainability initiatives that provide guests with the option to forgo housekeeping services in exchange for reward points, like Marriott’s “Your Room, Your Choice”, and Starwood’s “Make a Green Choice” program are also positively impacting expenses.” 

Meanwhile, hotel housekeepers say the program cuts their hours, and when they do get to work, makes the rooms much dirtier and harder to clean -- their already physically-demanding jobs even harder.

Hear from housekeepers, read the full report here.

UNITE HERE Campaign – November 26 Airport Rallies in Support of Airline Catering Workers While American Airlines pulls in billions in profits, airline catering workers who provide food and beverages served aboard American flights face poverty wages and unaffordable health insurance. This year, they are planning protests at airports across the country during the week of Thanksgiving.

On November 26—the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Day—airline catering workers and their supporters will call on American Airlines to take urgent and necessary steps to ensure workers who cater inflight meals and beverages are able to escape poverty and access health care.

We are writing to ask that you join us at one of nearly 20 hub airports across the country.

Our ask is that you do two things to support this important national mobilization:



Chip Shannon | AFL-CIO

Assistant Director | Political, Electoral & Issue Mobilization