Alliance for Retired Americans Urges Senate to Reject Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services

Alliance for Retired Americans leader Richard Fiesta released the following statement today regarding Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).
“During his confirmation hearings, Mr. Kennedy demonstrated a lack of understanding of how Medicare and Medicaid, the health insurance programs which forty percent of Americans rely on every day, operate.
“On Wednesday, Mr. Kennedy appeared unaware that most Medicaid recipients do not pay premiums or co-pays or that the program's cost is shared by states and the federal government. On Thursday, he could not state what Medicare Part A, B, and C are or what they cover. This is basic information, readily available to anyone with a computer, and something that the person who wants to run these insurance programs needs to know.
“He also offered no new ideas for lowering the price of prescription drugs - despite this being an issue President Trump has spoken on over the years. Kennedy gave no assurances that the current Administration would protect the lower drug price provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act which are saving people with Medicare money on the drugs they need.
“Medicare beneficiaries have a right to know whether this Administration will go along with efforts to repeal the monthly $35 cap on insulin co-pays, the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap on drug prices, and the requirement that Medicare negotiate lower prices for the most expensive drugs.
“Older Americans earn Medicare benefits over a lifetime of work, contributing to the system with every paycheck. And millions of the most vulnerable Americans rely on Medicaid to pay for the health care and long-term care they need. Seniors’ health care is too important to put in Mr. Kennedy’s hands and on behalf of the Alliance’s 4.4 million m