From The Ditch Mitch Fund: WATCH: our first TV ad against Mitch McConnell!

EDITOR'S NOTE: We just got this fund-raising email from the Ditch Mitch Fund.
Our new ad is the first to air on TV in Kentucky against Mitch McConnell, and it’s all about health care – the number one issue among Kentucky voters according to a Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll from last month.
If Mitch McConnell had his way, half a million Kentuckians would lose their healthcare, and 1.8 million Kentuckians with preexisting conditions could again be denied coverage. Despite how popular it has become among voters, Mitch has called Obamacare the single worst piece of legislation in 50 years – vowing again and again to repeal it. But instead, with your help, we’re going to repeal him.
After you watch the ad (it’s only 30 seconds), it would mean a lot if you could hit reply to this email and let us know what you think. And send any ideas you have about what we should hold Mitch accountable for in our next ad!
With the help of everyday people like you, we are building a grassroots movement that is going to take on the most powerful man in Washington – and win!
Together, we can restore sanity back to the Senate. Thank you for being a part of this from the start.
The Ditch Mitch Fund