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From Greg Stumbo: Election Day is Tuesday -- what's your plan?

Berry Craig
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Election Day is almost here. This Tuesday, November 5, you have the chance to let your voice be heard.

It's our duty to defend Kentucky and our constitution, and it starts by voting for Greg, and doing everything we can to make sure our friends, family, and neighbors vote too. So much depends on the outcome of this election, and it all starts with you.

If you haven't voted yet, please make sure you have a plan to get your ballot in.

  • Make sure you know your polling place. You can check here.
  • Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • If you are in line when the polls close, you will be allowed to cast your vote
  • If you are working on Election Day, you may be able to get up to 4 hours off from work in order to vote or cast an absentee ballot if you make a request for time off with your employer.
  • You can check to make sure you have the correct identification to cast your vote, as well as other questions you may have for Election Day, here.

A better Kentucky comes down to you – and all of us.