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Louisville Courier-Journal: Daniel Cameron's view on systemic racism gives scary look inside his dangerous mind

Berry Craig
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In the wake of Derek Chauvin’s conviction for the murder of George Floyd, President Joseph Biden said something powerful. He acknowledged a truth reasonable people know, but it was great to hear an American president speak it. Biden stood tall, sober and resolutely affirmed racism is a “stain on the soul” of America.

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron took issue with that.

Days later, Cameron sat in his liar’s chair (any chair he occupies) on the liars’ television network (Fox News) and condemned Biden. In Cameron’s world, Biden was not exhibiting leadership and attempting to move America beyond its racial nastiness by forcing it to face its sins. No, no. By Cameron’s twisted logic, Biden was exacerbating the problem — an imaginary one at that.

Read more here.