Please vote on Tuesday

Election Day is Tuesday.
The Secretary of State’s office estimates voter turnout will be as low as 12.5 percent. Voter apathy and negative ads contribute to this lack of interest.
The lack of voter participation is the reason we wound up with Matt Bevin as governor and a Republican super majority in both the Kentucky House and Senate. This trio is responsible for more anti-labor, anti-union bills than any other governor and legislature in Kentucky’s history. This anti-labor agenda will continue with each legislative session until our members stop the suffering, get in the game and go vote for candidates that support labor.
The Kentucky State Building Trades and most of our local unions have not endorsed a candidate in the Democratic gubernatorial primary. Each of the three main candidates are friends of labor and support us on our labor issues.
Rocky Adkins has been a strong ally for over 30 years in the House as majority and minority Leader. He has been one of our strongest proponents in Frankfort, looking out for our construction union members.
Andy Beshear has stood up to Bevin in numerous legal battles as attorney general. Andy has challenged Bevin and stood up for our interests against him. He has taken Bevin to court to stop him from removing every one of our union members from appointed boards and commissions.
Adam Edelen has been an ally including during his term as state auditor. He has challenged and prosecuted corrupt officials and has a vision for a future Kentucky.
These Democratic candidates for governor are great choices. Please vote for the one that you think can beat Matt Bevin on Nov. 5.
For our Republican members, your choice is easier. Bevin has three challengers in the GOP primary. They include Rep. Robert Goforth, who has committed to, and followed up with, pro-labor votes in House. He has stood up to his party and has looked out for working families. He deserves a vote to beat Bevin on the Republican primary ballot.
Our friend Greg Stumbo is unopposed in the Democratic attorney general's race, so his name will not be on the ballot. It will be there in November, and we need Greg Stumbo back as attorney general.
Several other great candidates are running for secretary of state, auditor and state treasurer.
Please encourage your members to take the time to vote this Tuesday. We can start to claw our way back to change the tone in Frankfort. It’s time for a government that supports the working man and woman and that stops destroying the middle class.
Please vote on Tuesday.