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Tell your Senator to VOTE NO on SB 7

Berry Craig
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Say No to SB 7 - Stand Up for Public Employees


Act Now: Send A Letter To Your Senator


The paychecks and voices of public employees are under attack in Frankfort. SB 7 takes aim at the paychecks of public employees, prohibiting their right to pay their union dues and make PAC fund contributions through paycheck deductions.

This is special legislation, targeting public employees. SB 7 seeks to stifle their freedom of speech and undermine their representation in the workplace and Frankfort.

Don't let the name fool you, what proponents have labeled "Paycheck Protection" should more aptly be named "Paycheck Deception." Taken from the same deceptive playbook as the So-Called "Right To Work" laws, this attack on working families is nothing new. In fact, this bill has been a tactic of extremist legislators and their corporate backers for decades.

SB 7 may have been originally seen as the more moderate of two paycheck deception bills. But, today, the House Economic Development & Workforce Investment Committee passed a Committee Substitute that adopted many of the worst provisions of its counterpart, HB 364.

SB 7 now:

  • Prohibits the voluntary payroll deductions for union dues even with a member's written permission
  • Prohibits the voluntary payroll deductions for political purposes even with a member's written permission
  • Immediately upon adoption, derails the union membership of those who use payroll deduction