From the UCW: There’s still time to take action - Two bills attacking public sector unions in KY

EDITOR'S NOTE: Think "solidarity," that old union-byword, is dead? Think again and check out his appeal from the United Campus Workers to its members. Neither HB 364 nor SB 7, the phony "paycheck protection" bills, apply directly to UCW members. Even so, the UCW's Shelly Baskin, who wrote the appeal, gets it: "But I’m asking you to voice your opposition to your legislators anyway because I believe - as I hope you do - that an injury to one is an injury to all."
Dear fellow UCW-KY members,
Right now our fellow public sector union members in KY are facing a serious attack on their rights from two bills that would ban them from paying their union dues and making other union contributions through paycheck deductions. These paycheck deductions are a well-established method for dues collection used by the vast majority of public and private sector unions, done with the full consent of the employee who signs up to pay for their dues and other union contributions this way.
While legislators have voiced their support for HB 364 and SB 7 as “paycheck protection” bills - these bills aren’t meant to protect anyone but the politicians who stand in opposition to the growing tide of worker power in our state. These lawmakers obviously intend to punish public sector union members for pooling their resources to magnify their voices and fight for greater representation in local and state elections by fully exercising their freedom of speech and association.
For our members who may be wondering: UCW-KY does not currently use paycheck deductions for dues payments or PAF contributions, so these bills will not impact us directly if they pass (at least not immediately). But I’m asking you to voice your opposition to your legislators anyway because I believe - as I hope you do - that an injury to one is an injury to all. If we allow these attacks on our fellow public sector employee unions to go unchallenged, it will only embolden these lawmakers and encourage them to continue to expand their anti-union legislation in future sessions.
It’s not too late to call or message to ask your legislator to oppose these bills - but it will be soon. Either one could go up for their final vote in their respective chambers any day this week, and it’s likely to be sooner rather than later. So please, take some time this morning to look up who your legislators are in the House and Senate, and leave them a voice message by calling (800) 372-7181 or send an email to their legislative account. You can find a sample script for your message below.
Thanks and Solidarity,
Shelly Baskin
Research and Political Action Chair
United Campus Workers of KY (CWA 3365)
HB 364/SB 7 Legislator Message Script
Hello, I’m _______, a (faculty/staff/student) at (university/college) and I (live/work) in your district.
As a member of United Campus Workers of Kentucky and a public employee, I'm asking you to stop these attacks on the paychecks and voice of public servants, and vote NO on HB 364 and SB 7.
This Paycheck Deception law would limit the free speech of my fellow public employees, from our first responders to our educators, by making decisions for them about how they can spend their hard-earned wages.
No Kentucky worker is required to join a union, and these workers already have to actively opt into paycheck deduction of their dues and PAC contributions.
This law applies rules to union members that don’t apply to any other organization, and gives the government more say in how union workers spend their money than the workers themselves.
This law is not about "protecting" the paycheck of workers, but seeking to silence them by diminishing their collective voice.
Vote NO on HB 364 and SB 7.
For more talking points see AFL-CIO and KEA