Help 'flush' Frankfort; send TP to the GOP
EDITOR'S NOTE: We received this statement today from Ben Self, Kentucky Democratic Party chair:
"You either stand up and fight for Kentuckians and their children or you don't. House and Senate Republicans have shown they put corporate interests ahead of the people in this state. The sewage-pension bill and backroom budget deals have made it clear to Kentuckians who at the Capitol is selling out our state. We stand with all Kentuckians today who demand to be heard."
AFT Local 1360
The Kentucky Democratic party is raising money to buy hygiene products for the opposition.
“Angry about the stinker of a sewer bill that gutted teacher and public employee pensions?” asks an email from Mary Nishimuta, KDP executive director. “Had enough of the dirty tricks and lousy leadership in Frankfort?”
Kentuckians who answer "yes," are asked to contribute to a special toilet paper fund.
According to Nishimuta, protesters at the Capitol today "are delivering hundreds of rolls of toilet paper to House and Senate Republicans to send a message: It’s time to flush the sewage out of Frankfort.”
Her email warned that “those shady Republicans aren’t done yet.” She cited a Louisville Courier-Journalstory that said many legislators expect the Republicans will try to ram though a tax bill “with absolutely no public hearings, no public input, not even any advance notice before the very day they pass it on to Gov. Bevin's desk."
Added Nishimuta: "After spending weeks calling teachers selfish and uninformed, Gov. Bevin couldn't even be bothered to show up to work on Friday to deal with the stinking pile of sewage Republican legislators sent to his desk Thursday night.
"Where was he? Cozying up to Republican donors in Ohio at the Cincinnati Reds game, of course. Perhaps the stink of sewage hanging over Frankfort was too much for him to handle."