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AFL-CIO Labor Wire: Please sign the petition

Berry Craig
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Thanks to Jeff Wiggins for sending us this.

Vivian Obijekwu is a registered nurse who has worked at The Johns Hopkins Hospital her entire career. As a bedside RN, Vivian has always spoken up on behalf of co-workers and to improve patient care. On Jan. 31, she was blamed for a mistake that was not hers, and on Feb. 4, she was terminated. Rather than take responsibility for its practices, the hospital is scapegoating Vivian, and leaving a woman who is seven months pregnant with no insurance for herself or her unborn child.

This is just the latest example of Hopkins’ extensive culture of fear that silences front-line caregivers. Vivian is one of many nurses of color who have been disciplined or terminated by Hopkins in the past few months.

Please sign the petition to reinstate Vivian today.

As Vivian says, “Hopkins terminated me in an attempt to silence me and to provoke fear among fellow nurses who are also trying to create change. I will not be silenced, because advocating for my patients is my highest priority and should be Hopkins’ as well.”

Vivian has her co-workers’ and patients’ backs. Let her know that you have hers!

Thank you for supporting Vivian and her co-workers. Johns Hopkins can and should do better.

In Solidarity,

Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO