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Debate was more proof that Bevinism is warmed over Social Darwinism

Berry Craig
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AFT Local 1360

GOP Gov. Matt Bevin and outgoing Attorney Gen. Andy Beshear, his Democratic challenger, debated for an hour in Paducah today.

But the fundamental difference between the candidates boiled down to a 30-second exchange: 

Beshear: "I know a teacher that right now is driving an Uber after work to make ends meet and because she's worried that this governor is going to cut her retirement. That is wrong."

Bevin: "I know a lot of people who drive for Uber actually, and they make a pretty good amount of money doing it, in addition to the other jobs that they have. That's called America. It's called freedom and opportunity."

"Let 'em eat cake," huh, gov?

What about "freedom" and "opportunity" for Kentucky workers to enjoy better wages and benefits through collective bargaining? You couldn't wait to sign those union-busting "right to work" and prevailing wage repeal bills. You're itching to restart your holy war against organized labor in a second term. 

And "freedom" and "opportunity" for public school teachers--besides chauffeuring a hack?  

You said they were "selfish," "ignorant" and had a "thug mentality." You're ready to turn their pensions over to hedge fund managers and drain more dollars from their cash-strapped "socialist" schools via private school vouchers.

The Kentucky Education Association, the teachers' collective voice? You said "breaking the backs of the teachers union in this state as the controlling interest in Frankfort is going to be one of the best things that ever happened for Kentucky."

So, governor, "That's called America. It's called freedom and opportunity," huh? No governor, it's old time, late 19th- and early 20th-century Social Darwinism.

Social Darwinists exalted greed--some even claimed it was Godly. They all said that if you were poor, it was your fault.

Social Darwinists believed that government had no responsibility to help those who needed help. They steadfastly opposed unions, public schools, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, the minimum wage, the 40-hour week, worker pensions, paid vacations and social welfare programs.

They hated laws that forbad child labor and protected consumers and the environment. They detested worker safety and health laws. One said safety regs were bad because they saved lives and limbs of "those of the lowest development."

In Kentucky, social Darwinism is Bevinism.

Social Darwinism ended up on the trash heap of American history where it belongs. Matt Bevin richly deserves to end up a one-term governor on Nov. 5 Matt Bevin richly deserves to end up as a one-term governor on November 5, with Bevinism gone with him.