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From the Lexington Herald-Leader: In impeachment, McConnell and Paul are the embarrassments that keep Kentucky blushing

Berry Craig
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Could there be anything more embarrassing and depressing than being from Kentucky this week?

First we get to watch our senior Senator Mitch McConnell shred democracy and decency to their last tatters by announcing a political whitewash of the most corrupt president in U.S. history, then follow it through in a trial that would make the Founders weep. But hey, at least he’s efficient. Trump will waltz off into the campaign season impeached but as promised, acquitted.

Then there’s junior Sen. Rand Paul. Despite the fact that every nearly sentient human knows how this will turn out, he spent Tuesday, the last day of the Senate’s impeachment trial, bouncing around like a demented toddler on the Senate floor. He’s still upset, it seems, that Chief Justice John Roberts wouldn’t read his question that identified the whistleblower who first started this whole mess. So Paul did it himself in time allotted for speeches, announcing the whistleblower’s name, then denying it in the elevated nanny nanny boo boo oratory that has made him famous:

Read more here.