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Washington Post editorial: Democrats, a scorched-earth competition will only help Trump

Berry Craig
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SUPER TUESDAY clarified the Democratic presidential race: The contest is now between former vice president Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I). Both candidates insist that their overriding goal is to beat President Trump. As the primary battle moves into a new phase, this commitment will be tested. The candidates should be judged on whether they avoid scorched-earth tactics that poison the chances of a Democratic victory in November.

There can — and should be — principled disagreement. In a Tuesday evening speech, Mr. Sanders previewed his line of attack on Mr. Biden, noting the former vice president’s vote for the Iraq War, positions on entitlement programs and support for past trade agreements. That’s fair: Mr. Biden should have to defend his support for the Iraq War, and the Democratic Party could use a vigorous debate on trade, particularly now that Mr. Trump has shown that the protectionist alternative is a dead end. Democrats should tangle over how to make entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare financially stable for another generation.

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