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Bernie and Joe prove they're more presidential than the president, but you already knew that.

Berry Craig
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AFT Local 1360

I liked the compare-and-contrast method in teaching history.

Students study the words of people on both sides of an issue, then make a judgment based on the evidence.   

The method works just as well with politicians. Listen to one, then another, and decide which one deserves your vote. 

On Wednesday night, President Trump went on TV to address the nation about the coronavirus crisis. On Thursday, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders had their say on the subject.

They proved they're more presidential than the president. But you already knew that. 

You knew what to expect from Donald Trump, too. His speech was typically cringeworthy, confused, muddled, rambling, ineptly ad-libbed, often incoherent and, of course, inaccurate. The president added the usual dash of xenophobia, nationalism, narcissism and self-congratulation.

The still teleprompter-challenged Trump added more truth-twisting to the Washington Post's running total of 16,200--and counting--"false or misleading claims" he's made. For extra measure, he dropped an F-bomb into a hot mike before the speech. 

Anyway, when the cameras were switched on, Trump gave us more proof--as if it were needed--that he's the most incompetent and least informed president ever. Hands down. But you knew that, too.  

Anyway, let's compare and contrast: 




Aren't you glad you've got "Joementum" or "Feel the Bern" but plan to vote Blue, no matter who?