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Today's coronavirus pandemic update

Berry Craig
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Overwhelmed by the flood of news stories and commentary about the coronavirus pandemic? Who isn't? For the duration of the crisis, we're going to add two features to the website, "COVID-19 News" and a regular roundup of breaking news stories. Most of our coverage will focus on how the pandemic is affecting Kentuckians, especially union members and their families. We will regularly update "COVID 19 News" at the top of the page. It will feature links to information about local, state and federal action, how to apply for unemployment insurance and other topics. News roundups will feature headlines and links to groups of related stories.  We encourage you to send us stories or information about what is happening in your part of Kentucky. Drop us an email at

From the Lexington Herald-Leader: 185 new cases of COVID-19 in Kentucky, total now 1,840. Four new deaths in state. CLICK HERE TO READ.

From The New York Times: He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus CLICK HERE TO READ.

From the Washington Post: How Europe manages to keep a lid on coronavirus unemployment while it spikes in the U.S. CLICK HERE TO READ.  

From The American Prospect: Why American Workers Have Been Left Out of Our Life-and-Death Decision-Making CLICK HERE TO READ.

From Daily Kos: This is Sonny. Paducah, Kentucky's 2nd death. And the man who built our home in 2016. CLICK HERE TO READ.

From Daily Kos: Bill O'Reilly to Hannity: Many coronavirus victims 'were on their last legs anyway' CLICK HERE TO READ.

From Daily Kos: America last: Rep. Porter has receipts showing Trump chose a quick buck over American lives CLICK HERE TO READ.

From Daily Kos: Democrats demand answers to how a tax break benefiting Trump and Kushner got into coronavirus bill CLICK HERE TO READ MORE. 

From LA Progressive: Will Trump Be Held Accountable for the Blood on his Hands? CLICK HERE TO READ.

From LA Progressive: Will Trump’s GOP Finally Kill American Democracy? CLICK HERE TO READ.

From LA ProgressiveMedia Facilitates Spread of Disinformation and Lies by Broadcasting “The Daily Trump Show” CLICK HERE TO READ.

From the AFL-CIO: AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka discusses Covid-19 and front-line workers. CLICK HERE TO VIEW.

From the Lexington Herald-Leader: Kentucky will get $2.4 billion in federal COVID-19 relief. Here’s what it pays for. CLICK HERE TO READ.