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Union Plus: Join the Workers First Caravan on June 3rd to Urge officials to adopt the AFL-CIO's Five Economic Essentials

Berry Craig
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EDITOR'S NOTE: The Kentucky caravan is set for 3 p.m. Wednesday in Louisville, starting from the UAW Local 862 Hall, 3000 Fern Valley Rd. More information is available from Liles Taylor of the Kentucky State AFL-CIO. His email address is  

Last week, the US House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act, a stimulus relief package meant to help push America towards a much-needed economic recovery. Now the bill moves to the Senate, and we can’t act soon enough.

On Wednesday, June 3rd, thousands of union members from across the country will join in a Workers First Caravan, an all-out action of national solidarity calling for implementation of America’s Five Economic Essentials — a checklist of the multiple priorities our country needs to protect our workers and rebuild our economy, and passage of the HEROES Act.

The HEROES Act upholds the AFL-CIO's Five Economic Essentials, which includes making sure our state and local governments, public schools, and the U.S. Postal Service is kept solvent and working, our pensions are upheld, our paychecks are protected and more. The HEROES Act also requires OSHA to issue a temporary emergency workplace infectious disease standard — something the AFL-CIO has been calling for since the first days of the pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic is the greatest public health threat our country has faced, and the HEROES Act is a step forward, for workers and our nation.Join In and Stand Up for Workers

Join caravans from across all 50 states and Puerto Rico as they stand with the labor movement in this mobilization to protect the health and economy of the great workers of this country.

In Solidarity,

Mitch Stevens

President, Union Plus

Join the Workers First Caravan.