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Questions Arise About Daniel Cameron’s Oversight of Group Involved in U.S. Capitol Attack; KDP Calls for him to Resign RAGA Position, Disavow Organization, and Reject Financial Support

Berry Craig
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Kentucky Democratic Party 

Frankfort, Ky. -- As more and more details become clear out about the groups responsible for assembling in Washington D.C. and eventually attacking the U.S. Capitol, questions are arising about Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s role in the Republican Attorney Generals Association. 

Cameron was appointed to the RAGA executive committee on Nov. 10, 2020, according to the group. The group spent more than $3 million to help elect Cameron in 2019. 

According to NBC Newsand the Alabama Political Reporter, RAGA’s dark money group, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, was one of the groups who hosted last week’s rally and eventual domestic terror attack. They even sent out a robocall encouraging people to attend. 

Both the Alabama and Georgia attorneys general, who are also on the RAGA executive committee, have declined to comment about the Rule of Law Defense Fund’s role. 

Cameron first helped create doubt about the 2020 election by signing on to a fruitless effort to overturn Pennsylvania’s election results back in December, an effort spearheaded by RAGA.

Now, Cameron must come forward and answer the following questions:  

1. Why was a dark money group aligned with a group Cameron oversees sponsoring domestic terror attacks on the U.S. Capitol? 

2. What role does Cameron play in the Rule of Law Defense fund and will he commit to disbanding the group after last week’s terror attack?

3. Will Cameron renounce his actions sowing doubt about the 2020 election and will he publicly admit that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election and are the president-elect and vice president-elect?

In a statement, Kentucky Democratic Party Chair Colmon Elridge said Cameron must immediately answer these questions and disavow the RAGA organization. 

“Daniel Cameron has spent nearly two months sewing seeds of doubt in what security experts have agreed was the most secure election in our nation's history, rather than focusing on the state he’s elected to represent. Now, we find out that an organization he has oversight over was involved in the domestic terror attack on the Capitol. 

"Let me be clear, there is only one side in this situation. Do you side with aiding and abetting domestic terrorism, or do you disavow it? Do you take seriously your oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, or do you give a pass to those who align with your political philosophy and beliefs? 

"Cameron must immediately explain his involvement and disavow, denounce and reject all funds and help from the organization involved.”