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From the Beshear-Coleman campaign: New Column from Al Cross: “Bevin looked and sounded like a flailing loser”

Berry Craig
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In case you missed it, Al Cross, Director of the University of Kentucky’s Institute for Rural Journalism, wrote a scathing column that calls out Matt Bevin for his disastrous post-debate meltdown this week, saying “Bevin looked and sounded like a flailing loser” and “tried to rewrite his political history, defended a misstatement with another misstatement, and made unsupported assertions about his questioners.” 

Cross also details how Bevin doubled-down on his notoriously false claim against teachers, blaming them for the sexual abuse of children while they were protesting at the capitol: 

“He [Bevin] said, ‘I guarantee you somewhere in Kentucky today, a child was sexually assaulted that was left at home because there was nobody there to watch them. I guarantee you somewhere today, a child was physically harmed or ingested poison because they were left alone because a single parent didn’t have any money to take care of them.'

“The governor provided no proof that such calamities occurred, and his remarks sank him in job-approval polls…


“Asked about his damaging comment, he said: ‘Do any of you truly believe that when children are left home unattended that bad things don’t happen to them? Do any of you really believe that? That’s what I said. I said when children are left home alone unattended, they’re exposed to drugs, they are sexually assaulted, that they’re exposed to things that are bad for them.’

No, Governor, that’s not what you said. You guaranteed that such things had happened. If, the day after, you had said that’s what you meant to say, and apologized, you might be assured of re-election right now. Instead of taking the blame, you put it on the news media, and you doubled down on that Tuesday night.”