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Beshear-Coleman campaign's response to Matt Bevin's False TV Ad

Berry Craig
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Please see below for a response to the false TV ad that Matt Bevin, the least popular governor in America, released today. 

"On the same day the Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police announced they endorsed Andy Beshear, Matt Bevin launched a baseless, false attack ad. As attorney general, Beshear made sure that Kentucky did not have any sanctuary cities so that Kentucky would receive its share of federal funds for law enforcement,” said Beshear/Coleman Spokesperson Sam Newton. “This is what desperate campaigns do. It's Matt Bevin whose actions have hurt Kentucky families. This governor tried to strip away health coverage for pre-existing conditions, left our coal miners out to dry, watched incomes drop for working families, and tried to illegally cut pensions for teachers and first responders.” 

Former Lexington Police Chief and Public Safety Commissioner Ronnie Bastin said: “As the former Lexington police chief, I’m confident Attorney General Beshear will work with anyone to protect law enforcement and our communities.”