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Bill Londrigan: Join Our Facebook Live Workers Memorial Day Event at 2 p.m.

Berry Craig
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Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Today is Workers Memorial Day.  Traditionally CLCs together with local and international unions and supporters conduct Workers Memorial Day commemorations around the Commonwealth.  But given the current circumstances there will not be any gatherings of this type. 

However, we are still planning to conduct a statewide Workers Memorial Day commemoration using technology that will allow us to safely conduct an event and would like to encourage everyone to join us at 2 p.m. (Eastern) today for a Facebook Live event. 

Please use the link below to join us on Facebook.  While we intend to commemorate those workers that have lost their lives in the previous year (2019) we will also be commemorating those workers and union members that have passed away as a result of COVID-19. 

I hope you can join us this afternoon so that we can “Mourn for the dead and fight like hell for the living!”

In Solidarity, Bill.

The link below is for the Facebook Live Video for the 2020 Kentucky Workers Memorial Day event: