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Chairman Yarmuth’s Statement on Senator Graham’s Score of Fictional Bill

Berry Craig
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Washington, D.C.— Kentucky Representative John Yarmuth, Chair of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a requested analysis of a fictional bill based on Republican modifications to sections of the Build Back Better Act:

"Senator Graham understood that he could not attack the Build Back Better Act on its merits, so he asked the CBO to analyze fictional legislation, and now, he's trying to sell fictional analysis as fact. But he can't change the facts of our bill, which will profoundly increase the quality of life for American families, cut the deficit, and according to more than 50 top economists, lower inflation," Chairman Yarmuth said. "I suppose it's fitting that the year started with Republicans making up different results for an election they didn't like, and it ends with them making up a new version of a bill the American people love."

The Joint Committee on Taxation, CBO, and nonpartisan experts have repeatedly confirmed that the House-passed Build Back Better Act is fully paid for by ensuring the biggest corporations and wealthiest few pay their fair share in taxes. According to data from the Congressional Budget Office, the Joint Committee on Taxation, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Build Back Better Act will actually reduce deficits by more than $100 billion this decade. And a new analysis released this week shows that the bill will generate approximately $2 trillion in deficit reduction in the second decade.

This morning, 56 of America’s top economists released a letter praising the cost-cutting and inflation fighting measures in the House-passed Build Back Better Act, saying: “Congress can alleviate some of the strain caused by inflation by passing the Build Back Better Act, which will lower everyday costs for families, including child care, health care, utility bills, prescription drugs, and education.”