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Cincinnati Enquirer: Opinion: No more temporary fixes to the Brent Spence Bridge

Berry Craig
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Thanks to Bill Londrigan for sending us this.

Second-most congested corridor in U.S. is the poster child for inaction


Union and business leaders don’t always share the same priorities or concerns. But both of us think about the Brent Spence Bridge every day. We wish we didn’t.

On this we agree: It’s scary, costly, unacceptable – and it must be fixed. 

Safety is top of mind for our workers, customers and families. Due to the congestion, every day that our employees, coworkers, friends, families and neighbors drive through the corridor we risk their safety and our own. Every single day.

According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, drivers are 3 to 5 times more likely to have an accident along the Brent Spence corridor than any other portion of the interstate systems of Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana. Over 600 accidents per year. Why? Because it’s the second-most congested corridor in the country.

Read more here.