Colmon Elridge: Embracing MLK's Legacy
As we pause to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we celebrate the remarkable legacy of a visionary leader who asked us all to be active participants in shaping a fairer, more inclusive society. Dr. King never said the work would be easy, but instead that “the time is always right to do what is right.”
My children remind me that part of the weight of becoming the first Black chair of the Kentucky Democratic Party is to embrace the responsibility of building bridges of opportunity for future generations. And they’re right! That’s why I'm inviting you to honor Dr. King's legacy by getting involved in your local community to build even more of those bridges.
Whether it's volunteering, supporting community projects, knocking on doors with your local party, helping folks register to vote, or engaging in dialogues on social justice, your contributions matter. Let's honor Dr. King's legacy by actively participating in the betterment of Kentucky, starting in our neighborhoods, moving forward, together.
Warm regards,
Colmon Elridge
Chair, Kentucky Democrats