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Forward Kentucky: Jamie Comer: A talking point in human form

Berry Craig
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Not coincidentally, Comer is one of the most anti-union members of Congress. He has voted the union position on legislation just 12 percent of the time since he's been in Washington, according to the AFL-CIO. 

The Jamie Comer Rule: Close your eyes and shout your talking points as loud as you can.


Question: Have you noticed the number of articles we’ve posted in the past month about Jamie Comer, our illustrious rep from western Kentucky (which apparently now includes Frankfort)?

I suspect at least a few people are wondering “Why are they going after Jamie so much?” The answer is simple:

Because he is such a tool. A shill. An empty suit. And because he contributes nothing to the national dialogue but talking points. Lots and lots of talking points, no matter what they are.

Read more here.