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From Greg Stumbo, our endorsed candidate for attorney general

Berry Craig
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Winning an election's all about the little things.

One of the most important parts? A broad base of support. Well, we've got that covered.

I'm deeply proud to be supported by working men and women across Kentucky.

I'm talking people who work with their hands every day, like the laborers of the AFL-CIO. I'm talking teachers and educators. I'm talking public servants from all walks of life, including local mayors like Mayor Robert Blythe, state leaders like Rep. Derrick Graham and Rep. Joni Jenkins, law enforcement officials like Sheriff John Ward, and more.

But you know what else really matters? Your support.

Each individual contribution made to this campaign in the closing days is a vote of confidence. It's a sign of grassroots momentum, of our real chance of squeaking out a win on election day.

Donate today. Help us get over the top.

Because we're going to need it.

My opponent's got votes of confidence, all right — from insiders at big pharmaceutical companies, from Mitch McConnell, from those Washington D.C. types that think they know what's best for everyday Kentuckians.

Fortunately, most of those types can't vote in the upcoming election. But their big bucks sure are making a difference — this race is neck and neck.

Stand with me. Stand with local teachers and tradespeople. Stand with everyday Kentucky families.

Donate today. Let's close this out.