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ICYMI: AFL-CIO stands in strong solidarity with Biden-Harris ticket

Berry Craig
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AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler released the following statement on the state of the 2024 presidential race: 

The stakes of the 2024 presidential election couldn’t be higher and no one understands this better than working people—their livelihoods and union contracts are on the line. That is why the AFL-CIO endorsed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in June of last year, earlier than we’ve ever endorsed in a presidential race, and why we continue to stand in strong support of them today.  

Labor runs on solidarity—and no White House has supported workers like the Biden-Harris administration. No president has been more invested in empowering workers and expanding the labor movement than Joe Biden, who has stood with working people at every opportunity, including on the picket line. Under President Biden and Vice President Harris, workers are winning record contracts across the country with double-digit raises, new organizing is surging, good jobs are coming home to the United States, and pensions that millions of workers count on for retirement security are protected thanks to the American Rescue Plan. President Biden and Vice President Harris have delivered day after day for working people, taking on corporate greed to balance the scales for workers. Now it’s time to finish the job with strong leadership for America’s future and bold policies that will benefit working people for generations to come. 

President Biden and Vice President Harris have always had workers’ backs—and we will have theirs.