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Invitation to Seniors for Biden-Harris National Grassroots Supporter Call

Berry Craig
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Today, Biden-Harris 2024 announced the launch of Seniors for Biden-Harris, a national organizing program to engage senior voters across the nation to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris. This grassroots program across the country will mobilize seniors – from postcarding and phone banks to bingo nights and pickleball tournaments. The program will kick off this week with events across the battleground states. 


Join us on Wednesday, June 12, at 5:00 PM ET for a Seniors for Biden-Harris Grassroots Supporters Call with DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, and special guests. Hear how President Biden and Vice President Harris are fighting for older Americans and the families caring for them. 


President Biden knows that older Americans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, particularly when facing the health challenges that come with aging. These generations fought authoritarianism around the world, secured fundamental civil rights here at home, created vibrant communities, and grew the American economy to create unprecedented opportunities for future generations. 


President Biden and Vice President Harris continue fighting to make these years more manageable. Together they are battling Big Pharma to lower prescription drug costs, capping the out-of-pocket maximum for prescription drug costs starting in 2025, safeguarding Social Security from Republicans vowing to cut the benefits, and improving and expanding care-giving options. Meanwhile, Trump and the MAGA Republicans are continuing to threaten these benefits so they can deliver more tax cuts for their wealthy friends and big corporations.


This call will be an opportunity to learn more about Seniors for Biden-Harris and ways to get involved. Learn more from our Toolkit andfact sheet, and please direct your friends to to join our effort!


Seniors for Biden-Harris National Grassroots Supporter Call with DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and Special Guests

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Time: 5:00 PM EST

Register Here!