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From the KDP: ICYMI: Herald-Leader Columnist: “Bevin needs to end secrecy over trips in state plane”

Berry Craig
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In case you missed it, Lexington Herald-Leader’s Linda Blackford wrote ascathing column, calling out Governor Bevin afteran investigation revealed he’s taken a taxpayer-funded “state plane for 67 trips to 29 states in 2 years” and “won’t say why.” 

Linda Blackford writes that Bevin needs to end the “secrecy over trips in state plane. He’s accountable to Kentuckians.” 

She also noted that Bevin became the “first governor in history to flatly refuse to release his tax returns. His office staff responds to media requests only if they want to, and he will publicly and childishly call out reporters who have the temerity to question his motives or actions.”

The columnconcludes: “Bevin is accountable to the people of Kentucky, who deserve to know what he is doing on their behalf. It’s probably easy to forget that fact when you’re flying around the country in a private plane, but it doesn’t make it less true.”