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From The Kentucky Democratic Party: Koch Brothers Are Propping Up Matt Bevin Because He Helps Out-Of-State CEOs

Berry Craig
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Frankfort, KY - As Americans for Prosperity—a dark money group funded by the Koch brothers— isendorsing Matt Bevin today, the Kentucky Democratic Party is calling out Bevin for using his office to help out-of-state CEOs at the expense of Kentucky’s working families.

“Matt Bevin is the most unpopular governor in the country because he spends all of his time helping out-of-state CEOs, while trying to strip health care and pensions away from Kentucky families. As a result, it’s no surprise the Koch brothers are trying to prop up Matt Bevin — they’re exactly the type of wealthy special interest who have benefitted from his harmful administration. Bevin is simply too weak to run on his own record,” said Marisa McKnee, spokesperson for the Kentucky Democratic Party. “Andy Beshear will always put working Kentuckians first by fighting to create more good-paying jobs and expanding access to affordable health care for every family.”

Wages for workers across Kentucky are too low for many families to pay their bills, with the Commonwealth ranking a dismal 47th in the country for per-capita income. Bevin has also tried to take Medicaid away from 100,000 Kentuckians and supported plans to remove protections for people with pre-existing health conditions.

In contrast, working families areunifying behind Andy Beshear because he has a positive vision to boost wages, expand access to affordable health care, and improve public schools. Last week, the Kentucky State AFL-CIO, which represents over 100,000 working Kentuckians,endorsed the Beshear/Coleman ticket.