Kentucky's working families stand with Governor Beshear

Kentucky State AFL-CIO makes historic early endorsement of Governor Andy Beshear's re-election campaign. Frankfort – (Wednesday, January 11) In an unprecedented early move, the Kentucky State AFL-CIO's COPE (Committee on Political Education) has unanimously endorsed, Governor Andy Beshear's re-election bid. Whether guiding Kentuckians through a deadly pandemic or responding quickly and with composure to multiple natural disasters that upended the lives of thousands of Kentucky families or bringing thousands of family-supporting union jobs to Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear has distinguished himself as a dedicated, hard-working, and compassionate governor deserving the continued support of Kentucky's hard-working men and women. "The Kentucky State AFL-CIO is making this historic early endorsement of Governor Andy Beshear to signify our commitment to re-elect Andy Beshear and demonstrate our resolve to keep Kentuckians safe from the false and harmful policies of our opponents,” said Kentucky State AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan. The Kentucky State AFL-CIO and its affiliated local and international unions, representing members in every craft an occupation across the Commonwealth, are proud to be a part of Team Kentucky and pledge our support to Governor Andy Beshear during these times. Kentuckians need a steady, honest, and hard-working governor who is a uniter, not a divider! “It's a great honor to be endorsed by the hard-working families of the Kentucky AFL-CIO,” Governor Andy Beshear said. "After completing the best two-year period of economic development in Kentucky's history, the Commonwealth's future has never been brighter. From the Brent Spence bridge to electric vehicle batteries, we have a chance to create more prosperity for future generations than I ever thought was possible. We will not be able to build that Kentucky of the future without the men and women of organized labor, and I look forward to working with you for four more years to get the job done." | |