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Brother Kip Phillips will be missed

Berry Craig
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Phillips received the 2012 W.C. Young Award, the highest award the Paducah-based Western Kentucky AFL-CIO Area Council bestows. Click here to see a story about Phillips's long and distinguished career as a trade unionist. The story includes a link to his appearance as a guest on "The Union Label," a cable TV show in Paducah.   

From Bill Londrigan: It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Brother Kip Phillips.  Please see below for Kip’s bio and long dedication to the members of the USW and the entire labor movement.  I will forward the arrangements when they are made available.  Please keep Kip and his family in your thoughts and prayers. 

This message is sent on behalf of International Vice President at Large Roxanne Brown:

It with deep sadness that I advise you of the passing of  former USW International Vice President and Chair of the USW Atomic Energy Workers Council, Kip Phillips, who passed away today, September 12, 2019.

Many of you on the council had the opportunity to work with Kip before he retired and grew to appreciate his spirited leadership style and unending commitment in working to help secure better working conditions for our sisters and brothers in the atomic sector.  Kip helped pave the way for much of the gains made within the sector and will forever leave a lasting legacy for fighting for the rights of all workers.

Once we learn of any additional information, my office will contact the council so that we may decide upon an appropriate way to show our support to his family during their time of deep and personal loss.  

Additionally, noted below are comments from District 8 Director, Ernest R. “Billy” Thompson regarding Kip:

“Kip was a great Trade Unionist and a loyal, personal friend. He shall be missed.”