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Let's rally outside McConnell's office in Lexington Wednesday

Berry Craig
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EDITOR'S NOTE: From the Washington Post: Trump offers 3-year extension of protection for ‘dreamers’ in exchange for $5.7 billion for wall; Democrats call it a ‘non-starter’

By Katie ZezimaErica Werner and David Nakamura

President Trump made a new offer Saturday to Democrats aimed at ending the 29-day partial government shutdown that would extend deportation protections for some immigrants in exchange for $5.7 billion in border wall funding.

Trump’s proposal is designed to ramp up pressure on Democrats by offering a reprieve on his attempts to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and temporary protected status (TPS) for immigrants from some Latin American and African nations.

Under the new proposal, the administration would allow those programs to continue — addressing a key concern of Democrats and some moderate Republicans.

Read more here. 

Kentucky State AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan is urging union members to show solidarity with furloughed federal workers by attending a Wednesday “Demand Mitch McConnell #CallTheVote and #StopTheShutdown” rally outside his Lexington office, 771 Corporate Dr. 

The rally starts at 11:30 and will last an hour. Co-sponsors are the Kentucky State AFL-CIO, Greater Louisville Central Labor Council and American Federation of Government Employees.

"Furloughed federal workers want to personally appeal to McConnell to stop the shutdown," said Londrigan in a Saturday email. "Let’s all stand with these workers and their families to help bring an end to the suffering and uncertainty facing thousands of our fellow workers here and across America.  We all know the only two people who can stop the shutdown are McConnell and Trump.  We want to demonstrate to McConnell that he needs to act now to stop the shutdown."

Londrigan added that members of AFGE and other unions will be boarding a bus at 9 a.m. at the Census Bureau, 1201 E. 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Ind. Another Lexington-bound bus will depart between 9:30 and 10 a.m. from the UAW Local 862 hall, 3000 Fern Valley Road, Louisville. 

"Furloughed workers from AFGE, NATCA are encouraging their members to ride the bus and we are encouraging other unions to have their members and representatives to ride the bus," Londrigan said. "If all the seats get taken others can ride to Lexington in private vehicles.  We need to show McConnell that enough is enough and it is time to stop the shutdown NOW!"

Union members from across Kentucky are encouraged to attend and to bring their families and friends. 

Can’t join us? Call 866-803-8830 and make your voice heard.