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From the Louisville Courier-Journal: IUE 'drive-by-rally' set for 2 today at Appliance Park

Berry Craig
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Dino Driskell, president of the International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers station in Louisville, comfirmed the union is planning a "drive-by rally" on Saturday at 2 p.m at Appliance Park. 

GE Appliances has informed employees that they must return to work on Monday, despite the growing health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Driskell, and the union, disagree with this decision and are preparing an event to protest. 

The event will include two or three speakers, Driskell said. Those who will talk include employees with children that would be forced to find child care to go to work and employees with underlying health issues, who would be at greater risk of catching COVID-19.

Read more here.