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Forward Kentucky: Mae Suramek, an impressive candidate for House 89

Berry Craig
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The Kentucky State AFL-CIO COPE Committee unanimously endorsed Suramek


Let me pose a situation to you. Let's suppose that you are a candidate for a special election, which means you've got just seven or eight weeks to get your campaign together, raise you money, put together a staff, find volunteers, get organized, and win the election. Sounds pretty tough, right?

What if I told you that one candidate has raised more money than any of the other candidates in any of the upcoming special elections? And, this candidate has a staff of ten people, including both unpaid volunteers and paid professionals? And, that this candidate has local organizations in each of the counties in the district, and those organizations are driving the campaign forward in their local communities? And, that this candidate's campaign is doing every type of ground game and GOTV work that you would normally see from a much larger campaign? You'd be pretty impressed, right?

Read more here.