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From the National Education Association: The choice is clear

Berry Craig
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In November, the future of our students, public schools, and democracy are on the ballot. With so much at stake, I am excited to announce that the NEA has recommended Vice President Kamala Harris for President. 

The Biden-Harris Administration has been a steadfast advocate for students, educators, and public education. President Biden was the most pro-public education, pro-union president in history. Vice President Harris is poised to continue the work they began together: building the future our students, educators, and families deserve. 

We can count on her to continue expanding access to free school meals, investing in student mental health, alleviating educator student debt, and doing everything possible to keep our communities and schools safe. 

The choice is clear: We can elect a president who will ensure our students reach their full potential, or one who will jeopardize their futures and privatize our schools. 

This was an easy decision for our union. Vice President Harris’ track record speaks volumes, and she shares our priorities. Now is the time to unite behind Kamala Harris, reclaim public education as a common good, and elect a leader who will work with us to support all of our students. Read NEA's full statement here.  

In unity,

Becky Pringle
National Education Association