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Northern Kentucky Tribune: Opinion – Bill Straub: How can West Kentucky keep sending Jamie Comer to Washington?

Berry Craig
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West Kentucky is genuinely one of the most pleasant regions in these United States – wide open spaces, recreational opportunities to the nth degree, some of the finest people you’ll find anywhere, not to mention its status as the buckle on the mouth-watering BBQ belt.

It’s a wonderland.

So how is it possible in God’s green earth that these fine folks persist in sending a cancerous stooge, Rep. Jamie Comer, to represent their interests in Washington?

West Kentucky forms the base of the First Congressional District, although the state legislature, in its never-ending search for political leverage regardless of logic, has seen fit to stretch its boundaries all the way from the Mississippi River to the state capital in Frankfort, some 250 miles distant. Once the home of Yellow Dog Democrats, the First has turned MAGA in a big way.

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