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A reminder: Direct Contracting — An existential threat to Traditional Medicare set for Thursday

Berry Craig
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Please join uson Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Central / 9:00 p.m. Eastern to learn more about the quiet plan to privatize Medicare. Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs): Handing Traditional Medicare to Wall Street — What they are and how to stop them
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This webinar will be co-hosted by PNHP and National Single Payer, and co-sponsored by Public Citizen, Social Security Works, All Unions Committee for Single Payer, UAW Region 1A Retirees, Kentucky State AFL-CIO, Kentucky Alliance for Retired Americans, and Western PA Coalition for Single Payer Health Care (so far). Scheduled speakers include: 
  • Rep. Katie Porter, (D-Calif.), signatory to a letter written to HHS Secretary Becerra asking for the immediate halt to DCEs
  • Dr. Ed Weisbart, Chair, PNHP-MO
  • Trudy Lieberman, contributing editor, Columbia Journalism Review, and contributor to Health News Review and the Center for Health Journalism
  • David Lipschutz, JD, Associate Director, Center for Medicare Advocacy 
What are Direct Contracting Entities and why should single-payer supporters be concerned?In 2020, the Trump Administration launched a new CMS experiment, the Global Professional Direct Contracting (GPDC) model, that was designed to privatize traditional Medicare. GPDC transfers cost and care management to private for-profit insurer and investor contracting entities (DCEs). Under this model, CMS could auto-assign more than 30 million beneficiaries who have chosen traditional Medicare into entities managed by private for-profit companies, without their understanding or consent. Instead of halting this program, the Biden Administration has accelerated it, threatening the future of Medicare as we know it. If you care about preserving traditional Medicare for future generations — as well as for a future Medicare for All! — please join us on Thursday for this important webinar. If you know of other organizations that would like to co-sponsor the DCE webinar, please contact Dr. Ana Malinow at solidarity, 
Susan Rogers, M.D.
PresidentPhysicians for a National Health Program
29 E Madison St Ste 1412 | Chicago, Illinois 60602
312-782-6006 |