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Democratic Responses to Statement from GOP State Senators on Expanded Gaming

Berry Craig
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See below for a comment from the Beshear/Coleman campaign and from state Sen. Morgan McGarvey, D-Louisville, in response to a statement from state Senate Republicans on expanded gaming.

Beshear/Coleman Campaign Manager Eric Hyers: “A pension is a promise and the reality is that we have to generate new revenue to fund this commitment. Andy Beshear will do this with the commonsense approach of expanded gaming. Millions of dollars in gaming revenue—dollars that could be used to shore up our pension system—are going across the border to states like Indiana. Matt Bevin is just pushing down the costs on cities, towns and quasi government agencies like rape counseling centers after his illegal attempt to cut pensions failed. Andy will work across the aisle to get this done, regardless of the political rhetoric that gets thrown out during the final days of a political campaign.”

State Sen. Morgan McGarvey, D-Louisville: "There’s bi-partisan support for expanded gaming in Kentucky. Every year since I’ve been in office, I’ve sponsored a bill to legalize expanded gaming, and we usually have Republican co-sponsors. The reality is, we’re flushing this money down the drain to neighboring states to fix their roads and schools, and to fund their pensions.There’s a reason these casinos are built right along our border. Expanding gaming won’t fix all of Kentucky’s problems, but it would be a good start. And we should let the voters vote on whether they want it in 2020."