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Take Action to Protect the US Postal Service

Berry Craig
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Thanks to Bill Londrigan for sending us this.

Postal Service Postmaster General Petition

Because of your efforts, we have collectively achieved majority support on congressional resolutions opposed to privatization of the US Postal Service and secured 285 co-sponsors to a House bill to restore the finances of the USPS.  But now, the USPS faces a new threat of privatization.

You may have seen last month that Postmaster General Megan Brennan will soon be retiring. The Postal Service Board of Governors has begun the process of appointing her successor.

In light of the Administration’s influence on the Board and the White House’s demonstrated hostility to the mission of the public Postal Service, we have serious concerns that the Board could appoint an outright privatizer as the next Postmaster General.

We’re organizing postal workers, allies and members of the public onto a petition to the Postal Board of Governors. This is a crucial front in our struggle to preserve quality, affordable, public Postal Service and the many thousands of community-sustaining jobs USPS supports.

Here is a social media toolkit to promote the online petition.  Please circulate this petition link to your email list and encourage members to sign on.  In addition, please circulate the social media toolkit to your local unions so they can promote this petition to their members directly.

We expect the USPS Board of Governors to act soon, so our deadline for collecting signatures is December 15, 2019.

EPI Report on Trump’s NLRB Attacks on Workers

Under the Trump administration, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has systematically rolled back workers’ rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining with their employers, to the detriment of workers, their communities, and the economy. A new report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), co-authored by former AFL-CIO General Counsel Lynn Rhinehart, analyzes the actions that the Trump administration has taken to significantly weaken the NLRB. We urge you to read the report and share with your state and local labor movement.     


Chip Shannon | AFL-CIO

Assistant Director | Political, Electoral & Issue Mobilization