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From the AFL-CIO: Trumka says: Pass the PRO Act now

Berry Craig
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EDITOR'S NOTE: We all need reminders. So here are a couple. First, don't forget who's with you and who's not. Rep. John Yarmuth, Kentucky's only Democrat in the House (or Senate) voted for the PRO Act. Kentucky's five Republican congressmen--James Comer, Brett Guthrie, Thomas Massie, Hal Rogers and Andy Barr--voted against the measure. Doubtless, Sens. Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul will vote no on the PRO Act if it reaches the upper chamber. Second, Kentucky State AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan often reminds us that "elections have consequences." That bears repeating, too. 

By the AFL-CIO

We wanted to make sure you saw AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka’s (UMWA) op-ed in CNN yesterday.

President Biden said he wants to give unions more power under his administration. And he said that unions create economic growth and good-paying jobs.

We couldn’t agree more.

Did you know the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act was passed by the House of Representatives on Feb. 6, 2020—then anti-worker legislators in the Senate completely blocked it.

The Senate could have voted on legislation that:

  • Protects our right to form unions.
  • Repeals “right to work” laws.
  • Sets penalties for companies that try to bust unions.

And it didn’t. 

With this new Congress, we have a real shot at making the PRO Act the law of the land. 

Let’s take it.

In Solidarity,