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From the Washington Post: Every single piece of data aligns: Trump is behind and dropping

Berry Craig
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President Trump reportedly does not believe that he is trailing former vice president Joe Biden in the polls. That doesn’t change the facts: Trump is now entering the campaign as a distinct underdog to win.

Trump is behind no matter what set of polls one looks at. He trails Biden by 6.3 points as of Thursday morning in the RealClearPolitics average. His job approval rating has sunk in recent days to a mere 44.9 percent, down from a recent high of 47.3 percent on March 31. Though his job approval is still higher than his share of the vote in ballot tests against Biden, he would still trail by more than 3 points even if he did as well as those ratings. There’s no plausible path to winning the electoral college if he loses the popular vote by that much on Election Day.

Read more here.