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Poll: Bevin's worst-of-the-worst; ALEC: he's best-of-the-best

Berry Craig
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AFT Local 1360

The latest Morning Consult Poll ranks Matt Bevin the worst of the worst among governors in terms of popularity.

The survey, which came out in July, found that just 32 percent of Kentuckians think he's doing a good job as governor. Fifty-six percent think he's not.  

But the far-right-wing, union-busting American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) just named Bevin to its "Best of the Best list."

ALEC, based in Arlington, Va., chose a quintet of governors, all of them anti-union, ultra-conservative Republicans from "right to work" states.

ALEC boosted Bevin "based on his State of the Commonwealth address proposals to enhance economic competitiveness and growth in the Bluegrass State." Translation: Kudos to Bevin for helping make the already rich richer and shafting union members, teachers, other public employees and Kentuckians the Good Book calls "the least among us." 

Bevin declared holy war on unions in 2017, after the House flipped Republican. His GOP House and Senate majorities passed RTW and repealed the prevailing wage at warp speed. The ink was hardly dry on the bills when Bevin gleefully signed them.

Since, the governor, with the support of all but a few Republican lawmakers, has cut taxes on the wealthiest Kentuckians. He's gone after public employee pensions and the workers' compensation, unemployment insurance and state Occupational Safety and Health programs. 

Bevin's a millionaire who believes that government's top job is making the rich richer. His idea of "free enterprise" is union-free or as close to it as he can get.

"I want to use our second term in office to finish what we have started," Bevin says on his candidate webpage.

His reelection agenda includes finishing off unions and handing over public pensions to hedge fund managers.

Bevin ultimately wants to nix the income tax -- progressive least in theory-- and switch to regressive a sales-tax-only revenue model. He has talked about ut a 9 percent rate or higher.Not only will a sales tax fall heaviest on the poor and middle class, it won't come close to adequately funding stage government. That shortfall would give Bevin and the Republicans a handy excuse to cut more programs that help Kentuckians who need help.Meanwhile, Bevin and his legislative majorities can't wait to cut more funds from "socialist" public school budgets and siphon off more precious dollars through private school vouchers. Bevin and the Bevinites believe health care isn't a human right, and they're all in for cheating poor people of theirs.  They slam those who object--many on religious grounds--as, you guessed it, "socialists."

We've heard it every election cycle: "Vote like your job and your union depend on it." They do on Nov. 5. So do your public pension, your tax bill, your public schools and your access to quality, affordable health care.