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Since last Independence Day

Berry Craig
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Today, Erik, the kids, and I will take off for the Fourth of July to celebrate by swimming with cousins and cooking out with family. But before we do, I want to share some thoughts on the meaning of this holiday.

I’ve been reflecting a lot on everything that’s happened since the note I sent you on Independence Day one year ago.

Last August, our country lost John McCain—a veteran of both the U.S. Navy and of the United States Senate, naval aviator and a prisoner of war. In his final act in public life, he was one of our most important voices of reason and principle in a political moment that desperately needed it. He was also someone I personally admired. Senator McCain was a reminder that a love of country transcends love of party—a lesson too often forgotten these days.

In November, we saw a midterm election that swept a historic number of new voices, especially women, into Congress, laying the groundwork for a fundamental reshaping of our priorities. We’ve already seen this new Congress take action on issues that matter, from health care to election security—even though there’s still much more to do. And while I would have loved to be fighting alongside them, it’s been inspiring and exhilarating to cheer them on.

In a lot of ways, the last year for America has felt like two steps forward, one step back. A generation that embodies the best of America is passing on; a new generation is coming to the fore. And in the face of intensifying dysfunction in Washington, all of us who care about this country and the ideals we were founded on—no matter our age, gender, or background—must continue to work and keep the faith.

Every July 4th, I think about our founders who risked everything for ideals like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and equality under the law. And I’m reminded that the work of making our country a better place is rooted in love for it—and this work is the most patriotic endeavor we can continue to engage in today. 

Happy 4th of July,