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Time to set the record straight

Berry Craig
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AFT Local 1360

The holidays are fast approaching, and union locals are again getting ready to help in food, toy and clothing drives--or are preparing to sponsor their own drives.

We give our money and our time because we believe that part of being a good citizen is helping our neighbors who need help.

Meanwhile, the right-wing media keeps spreading the old lie that unions are greedy, selfish and care only about ourselves. It's way past time to tell the truth and set the record straight. That's where your local comes in.

When you sponsor or participate in a holiday food, toy or clothing drive, let your local media know about it. Take it from this old reporter, hometown radio and TV stations and newspapers are always on the lookout for fresh holiday stories. (I always was!)

If you haven't already, designate somebody in your local as a public relations officer. You don't have to be a PR pro. Besides, your international union can help with how best to provide the media with stories. We're glad to help, too. 

If you don't want to send the paper a write up, you can pitch the story via a phone call, email or text. If you email or text, follow up with a call.

But be enthusiastic in your pitch. If you're fired up about a story, odds are a reporter will be, too. Be sure to give the reporter your contact information--most importantly your cell number or email address.

Furnish photos with your stories. But you don't need a fancy camera. Most iPhones take photos suitable for newspapers. But make sure they are high-resolution images.

Also, it's a good idea to avoid staged photos, like lining everybody up and have them grin for the camera. Those photos are okay for your newsletter, but newspapers prefer action photos such as ones showing your members packing boxes or loading boxes onto trucks.

Okay, we know that these are soul-trying times for organized labor. As hard as we tried in Kentucky, our state didn't vote to Dump Trump (thankfully enough other states did!) or Ditch Mitch. We also lost many good friends in the state legislature in the election.

We won't be able to send more friends back to Frankfort to help Gov. Beshear until 2020. But in the meantime, we can start making new friends among our fellow citizens where we live.

Admittedly, our visibility isn't what it used to be with the closing of so many union factories, mines and mills across the state. But you can help put the spotlight back on your local in your community. We've got a great story to tell, and not just at holiday time.

Indeed, year round, union members pitch in with many different charitable groups and community service organizations and projects. Tell your local media about that, too.

How about this for a New Year's Resolution? Start telling the union story in your hometown paper or on your radio or TV station. Tell the media what you're doing to make your community a better place to live for all citizens.

We're happy to help you spread the good news. Just drop us an email at